Monday, January 14, 2008

Gaybeef: Joker

Sun rays entangled in your hair breeze tenderly re golden strands. I run you by the hand and warm feeling of thy hands. While your eyes are closed and sun glasses, but then I know that you look at me, and reflected in the eyes of your love. I know, because the very love you! Yes, this is wonderful - you meet weekly after separation! Peter - this is the city where we met a year ago. Are you moving from the city, I of his. Let us suppose that we can not always be together, but such a pleasure to meet this remarkable city! Are you smiling, looking, as I meet with you rejoice, as a growing joyful excitement. I just zabegayu forward and turning you, a chance to give the wind walk under my skirt. Lightweight fabrics struitsya slim legs around, and you, shaking his head, smiling archly. We - odd couple ... You people in such a calm and restrained. Always polite and almost cold. I - Nim wind smetayu everything in its path. Neposedlivaya, explosive mixture of humor and mischief. I thy complete contrast, it is possible for you and me liking ... such that I, what I am!
I love thee shock, passing your skin type dive into the waters of the Neva. I am not preventing breeze when he, too rasshalivshis, asleep situated above my skirt, showing all who do not laziness - my almost transparent panties. I see my sun, you are a little bit embarrassing to me for my escapades, but I draznyu you that you went out of its state of calm.
Quite unexpectedly, I prityanulas to you and holding a hand over the neck, rushed toward his mouth thy. You do not soprotivlyaeshsya! Correct - still useless! We stopped on the embankment, in the middle of us walking people. I, letting the head, generally you, penetrating his tongue at you. You obnimaesh me for the waist, drawing to itself ... but I just suddenly away from you. A smile appeared on my lipstick izmazannyh your lips. Laughing, I move forward, but, seeing as you are, the back side palm stiraesh traces of lipstick ... You have such fun at the moment! And you are pink pearl! Skorchiv deadpan, I try to hide from the clutches of your hands, almost happened, but here I have unwittingly did okazyvayus captivity in your embrace. You uvlekaesh me to the granite parapet embankment. Riding for the waist, povorachivaesh to their backs, gently pushing with themselves, as close as possible, opening up space in front of me water surface. So, I was between the two walls, one granite, and the one that you are a. Of course, the stone does not attract me, because I am happy for you to the treasure head shoulder. You sklonyaeshsya, referring warmly to my lips naked neck. Just prikusyvaesh delicate skin. Your hair relate my cheeks, a little schekotya. A smile on my days his mouth while I enjoy thy naked tenderness ... BUT! Ah, you have a little soul! Well, that's ... prouchil me for my innocent pranks. Now, on my neck Pyatnyshko famous red ... Well, la-as-a-gift ... (in the head ripe revenge plan) I vstrepenulas, trying to turn to face you, but how do you keep the iron goes into their embrace, not allowing roll. Well, well ... himself rise ... Hand drawing on the parapet, I just naklonyayus forward, the rear part of the body (that says - just covered my Skin) in the ring you. Wow! Yes you are not so calm in fact! I progibayu back sensible breathing, moaning from the lips fails. Ongoing past the winning osharashenno kosyatsya to our side ... Well, yes - picture! My dear girl holds, that is me, polusognutom condition for sustained utsepivshuyusya subject, that is for the parapet embankment slope to its intimate venue (though not visible ... but so hard!) Directly in her pants ... well, or slightly lower (most smallness!). Yes to the same girl, again, I still publishes and indecent sounds! You do try to raise me, whispering trying not to play with BAT, while trying to pull твои hands me just above the waist, that is, under the breast ... Just izognuvshis, your hands just being on my chest, which I still louder pronouncing his theatrical (not without a share of the truth): "O-o-o! Dear, come now! "You kashlyaesh embarrass them, and the girls pass by passing hihikaya oglyadyvayutsya us. Finally, understand that I am not so easy to raise, you vypuskaesh me from the hands, rushed back. I like does not happened, popravlyayu night, prigovarivaya: "Favorite you one-and-a-Such impatient!" Zadorno laughing, looking at my uhmylyayuschuyusya deadpan, samodovolnuyu of manufactured effect on the moral principles of the townspeople, defeliruyuschih to open embankment areas, the redhead naholyugoy obzyvaesh me. "I love you!" - I call pronouncing, taking tvoju hand in his.
Petersburg - a beautiful city ... especially embankments!

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